Integrated approach to personalized cancer diagnosis and therapy /
Urologic robotic surgery
The research activity focuses on robotic surgery of prostate, kidney, and urothelial cancer. In addition, we have developed a research strand on robotic correction of uro-gynecological fistulas.
In addition, the strand of minimally invasive research has been developed in the study of the effect of pneumoperitoneum on the diffusion of inert powders, with the development of an in vitro model used for this purpose and the design of a new trocar.
Multidisciliplinary management of urologic tumors represents an additional area of clinical research, characterized by collaboration with teams from both the Foundation and INT.
Bladder cancer
Research activity focuses on the study of potential liquid markers for early identification of bladder cancer recurrence. In addition, we are conducting a multicenter study to evaluate the efficacy of electrified intravesical chemotherapy in intermediate-high risk bladder cancer.
In collaboration with the Abrignani Lab (INGM) we are participating in the study of T lymphocytes infiltrating primary and metastatic urothelial tumors by phenotypic, molecular and functional characterization.
Prostate cancer
Research activity in collaboration with Lanzuolo LAB (INGM) focuses on the study of Genome Remodeling in prostate cancer progression.
Renal tumor
Research activity focuses on the percutaneous treatment of small renal masses in terms of safety and oncologic efficacy.
In collaboration with the Laboratory of Translational Research in Pediatric Nephro-urology, a study is underway to evaluate the use of engineered nanovesicles in the treatment of renal carcinoma.
Adult and Child Renoureteral Calculosis
Research activity is focused on minimally invasive treatment of adult and child renal calculosis with high-tech instruments. In addition, an important part of research is devoted to radioexposure during urinary stone surgery especially in the pediatric population.
Cervicourethral obstruction from benign prostatic hypetrophy
The research is aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of holmium laser surgery in the treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy and its effects on the urinary and sexual sphere.
Couple infertility
Research is aimed at evaluating the best treatment program for infertile couples with particular interest in hormone therapy in improving seminal parameters and DNA fragmentation. In addition, studies are underway to evaluate the efficacy of microsurgery for sperm retrieval in specific populations with low chance of retrieval.
Research is aimed on the study of minimally invasive radiological treatment of varicocele in both adult and pediatric patients and treatment of congenital and acquired penile recurvatum.
Study on urological emergencies
The research is aimed at evaluating the predictive factors of severe infectious complications in patients who come to the emergency department for obstructive uropathy to improve their diagnostic-therapeutic pathway. In collaboration with Radiology, we are also studying the role of imaging on the diagnosis and evolution of Fournier's gangrene.
Study on urinary tract infections
This research is aimed at studying the epidemiology of urinary tract infections following urologic surgery and in the outpatient setting. Through collaboration with the microbiology laboratory, we are conducting prevalence studies to understand the spectrum of antibiotic resistance and microbiological diversity over the years of urologic patients.
- Software for fusion prostate biopsy and robotic surgery with Da Vinci system and for prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment
- High-power Holmio laser for the treatment of prostatic hypertrophy
- Holmio laser, suction (vacuum-assisted) system, and miniaturized instruments for endoscopic and percutaneous treatment of renal-ureteral calculosis
- Extracorporeal lithotripsy system for Day Hospital treatment of kidney-ureteral calcinosis
- Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) endoscopy light technology employed in the diagnosis of urothelial cancer
- Electromotive Drug Administration (EMDA) intravesical chemotherapy delivery for the treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer
- Robotic surgery with Da Vinci system and percutaneous microwave treatment for renal tumor treatment
- Use of ultrasound and indocyanine green fluorescence (ICG) for intraoperative evaluation of renal masses and tissue vasculature during minimally invasive surgery
- High-resolution optical microscope for intraoperative sperm detection in infertile patients
- Video conferencing and live streaming system for participation in national and international live surgery events
- Lower and upper urinary tract urologic endoscopy simulator
- Pelvic trainer for learning the basics of laparoscopy
- Divisions of Urology of the University of Turin, Naples, Bologna, Rome, Varese, Bari, Foggia, Genoa, Florence, Trieste, San Raffaele Hospital
- TIGET-TELETHON-immunologic tolerance laboratory of San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, Italy
- Lanzuolo Lab INGM- National Institute of Molecular Genetics
- Abrignani Lab INGM- National Institute of Molecular Genetics
- Laboratory of Translational Research in Pediatric Nephro-Urology (LNUP)- RESEARCH PROJECTS OF RELEVANT NATIONAL INTEREST - Call 2022 PNRR
- Laboratory of Nephrology
- Foundació Puigvert of Barcelona
- Mayo Clinic of Rochester (MN, USA)
- Saint Augustin Clinic - Bordeaux
- University Hospital Southampton - NHS Foundation Trust
- University College London Hospitals - NHS Foundation Trust
- Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Univesité de Montréal (CR-CHUM)
- Biruni University, Medical School, Urology, Istanbul, Turkey
- European association of urology section of urolithiasis (EULIS)
- SEGUR (South-Eastern European Group for Urolithiasis Research)
- Global Andrology Forum
- U-Merge International Research Group
1 full professor, 1 associate professor, 1 PhD - urologist, 7 urologists, 1 research fellow
Other activities in this Research Line
Integrated approach to personalized cancer diagnosis and therapy
Anatomical Pathology

Stefano Ferrero
General and Minimally Invasive Surgery

Luigi Boni
Maxillofacial Surgery and Odontostomatology

Aldo Bruno Giannì
Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplant

Mario Nosotti

Angelo Valerio Marzano

Francesco Passamonti

Giovanna Mantovani

Paolo Vercellini
Occupational Medicine

Matteo Bonzini
Medical Oncology

Ornella Garrone
Clinical Pathology

Matteo Vidali